ufo etf
UFO moves sharply over El Paso, Texas.

Witness description: "We were working outside at a park. We are installing new pole lights, so we need to look up to check them. UFO remained still, hovered unaffected by wind, hovered against wind, and seemed to disappear into the sky." Source Link: mufon Filmed over El Paso, Texas ...

Something strange was filmed in Bakersfield, California.

Witness description: "During halloween trick or treat with my kids." Source: mufon Filmed in Bakersfield, California. 10/31/2021 8:40 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFO over Derby, UK.

Source Link: 23'ᵴʊᴙƦᶓᵰᴌ'11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln8NeAtQw5w He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "This footage been filmed in Derby, Derby-shire, UK. 02.03.2013 about 5pm+ at nice clean blue sky by Sony HandycamHybrid ...

Something strange was filmed in Perth, Australia.

Source Link: Rich Marsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9okj_TrTUJ4 Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Drove into my driveway after picking up my daughter from dance and saw a reasonably bright light in the clouds, got out of the car and thought I need to film ...

Strange UFO over Springfield, Missouri.

Source Link: Just Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FxLJTWYJ3o Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "UFO over Springfield MO 5pm 10/18/21. I watched this object fly across Springfield Mo from airport to airport in a large V flight path stopping over downtown ...

Bright UFO was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia.

Source Link: Donavon Gray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG228juNwE Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia. 10/16/2021 You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

Dark, oval shaped UFO was filmed in Colusa, California.

Witness description: "Dark, oval-shaped object moving from a south to north direction possibly above or to the east of the Sutter Buttes mountain range. The object did not speed up or slow down, but kept a constant speed and constant elevation from the first moment to the final moment of the ...

UFOs over Columbus, Montana.

Witness description: "First it started when I noticed one light in the sky. We watched it for a while as it moved slowly away from us but higher up. then stopped moving at all. We assumed it had to be some sort of balloon, but we watched it for over thirty minutes and it didn't move again. We ...

Fleet of UFOs over Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 10/4/2021

Witness description: "While walking home I originally noticed a single light moving through the sky. Shortly after another light seem to be trailing it. And then another until there was three. They then formed a triangular pattern and began to move together in unison. This is when I decided to ...
