ufo sightings
Fast moving UFO over Australia.

Witness description: "Caught on two separate dash cameras whilst traveling to work. I was driving to work. Going over camera footage after previous anomalies were discovered only to find more over the course of a few more days. I was unsure what I was initially seeing, but it was unusual and ...

Top 10 Signs Of Alien Life Throughout History

Top 10 Signs Of Alien Life Throughout History Subscribe To Most Amazing Top 10: http://bit.ly/2Ibyk6i Most Recent Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj2rni0BfKo&list=UUBINYCmwE29fBXCpUI8DgTA Today we’re going to be taking a look at some crazy alien sightings people have reported. From ...

UFO Mystery: क्या यूएफओ का राज खुलने वाला है? (BBC Hindi)

हम सभी अक्सर यूएफओ के बारे में सुनते रहते हैं. लेकिन ये होते क्या हैं? नासा इसका जवाब तलाश रहा है कि ये अनोखी चीज़ें क्या होती हैं? नासा ने एक टीम बनाई है जो उन हज़ारों अजीब चीज़ों का निरीक्षण करेगी. जिन्हें दुनिया के अलग-अलग हिस्सों के लोगों ने यूएफओ बताया. अब नासा यूएफओ के बारे में इतनी जांच ...

UFO over Edmond, Oklahoma.

Witness description: "The sky was clear but had this ball of light hovering with a vortexed cloud around it. At first, I thought it was the moon behind a cloud. Then I realized the night sky was completely clear, the light started to move as I kept walking and then picked up pace, it had an ...

Daylight UFO over San Antonio, Texas.

Witness description: "Bright object, no sound, moved down and like the twinkle of a light, then disappears, had no trail." Source: mufon Filmed in San Antonio, Texas 2/5/2022 1:40 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. ...

Fleet of UFOs over Kissimmee, Florida.

Witness description: "I recorded a video of a group of lights moving north to south. The video shows a group of reddish lights moving from north to south across the eastern sky. As they travelled in a southerly direction the lights all of a sudden faded to dark one at a time. The video didn't ...

What If You Mated With an Alien?

It's a beautiful night. Just you, a bottle of wine and your partner drifting through the cosmos in a UFO. As your caress their green skin, you know that tonight's the night you're mating with an alien. But would your anatomy be compatible? How would conception take place? And what would your ...

UFO over Emmaus, Pennsylvania.

Witness description: "Disc light orange glowing light that flew over tree line behind house. Multiple changes of direction. No sound. Orange disc like light flew very quickly and observed through a window while in my house going over treeline behind house. Ran outside and grabbed my phone. ...

UFO over Guthrie, Oklahoma.

Witness description: "Brilliant cigar shaped light with rolling mist around it. When I first saw it in the sky, it looked like a brilliant orb that was moving from north to south towards me it had a spinning trail all the way around it. I was able to get my phone out and take a picture and ...
