UFO with green lights over Newport Beach, California. UFO or IFO? You decide. Episode 36. UFO 53%.

UFO with green lights over Newport Beach, California. UFO or IFO?  You decide. Episode 36. UFO 53%.

Source Link: infamousfanclub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhdSkifndh0
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Witness description:
“I first spotted the object hovering low just above the palm tree in my backyard. I saw this UFO at close range and it looked like a large black tower approximately 20 feet tall, with five green spheres at the base of it. This was not a drone or man-made object. Its was about the size of two Cessna planes stacked on top of each other. Unfortunately I didn’t get video of the object at close range because my HD card was full! Once I erased footage from the HD card I finally captured the object after it crossed my yard and was higher in the sky. At certain points you can see the lights shining very brightly almost like search lights. The footage doesn’t do the object justice. There was a clear black tower on top of the Green Spheres that I saw at close range. If you look above the green lights in the footage you can see a large black mass possibly controlling them. One of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. Opinions would be appreciated.”

UFO or IFO? You decide.
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UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2020, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer,


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