UFO with multicolored lights over Denver, Colorado. UFO or IFO? You decide. Episode 32. UFO 64%.

UFO with multicolored lights over Denver, Colorado. UFO or IFO? You decide.  Episode 32. UFO 64%.

Source Link: Geoffrey Cullins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5zbzA06YXA
Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs
He has more UFO videos on his channel from this event.

This UFO sighting was filmed over Denver, Colorado 4/7/2020.
Witness description:
“These videos was taken by my son on 4/7/2020 in the night sky above Denver. Apparently this was seen for well over an hour, hovering generally in the same spot. It rotated and zoomed closer/further away.”

UFO or IFO? You decide.
In these series of videos please put likes under my comments “UFO (Unidentified)” or “IFO (Identified)” which you can find under my pinned comment.
In 3 days I will post the percentage result.
Only the number of likes under these comments will be counted.

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UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2020, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer,


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