What if Aliens lived on Earth? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if Aliens lived on Earth? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

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What if Aliens lived on Earth?
Nah! There are no Aliens on Earth!
See! I told you AumSum.
Let me tell you what else might happen.
Wait! I will start.
Earth may start showing off!
Yup, Earth might!
But, Sun might switch off the lights for planet Earth.
That’s funny AumSum!
Ok! Now it’s my turn!
Dogs and Cats might get very very unhappy.
Wait! I know this one!
Because, Aliens might get their own pets along with them.
Super AumSum!
Ok! One More!
People who own expensive cars may start ditching them.
But, why is that AumSum?
Simple! Because, they will now start flying Alien spaceships.
Nice one AumSum!

0:00 – What if Aliens lived on Earth?
1:11 – What if Aliens Visited Us?
2:11 – What is a Supermoon?


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