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What if Aliens Lived on the Moon?
Firstly, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, Moon may become extremely proud, it may stop orbiting around Earth.
Secondly, Moon is very close to Earth, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, we may start seeing Aliens in our everyday life.
Thirdly, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, Humans may have to take permission from Aliens before landing their spacecraft on Moon.
Fourthly, Moon is said to influence the tides in our oceans, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, they may double the size of the tides.
Fifthly, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, Aliens might shut off the light of the Moon, our nights might become much much darker.
Lastly, if Aliens Lived on the Moon, there is almost no water on the Moon, Aliens may start popping up in our bathrooms.
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