5 UFOs over Columbus, Ohio. 12/21/2022

5 UFOs over Columbus, Ohio. 12/21/2022

Witness description:
“At approximately 18:25, on 12/21/2022 I noticed two bright orange lights from a south facing window on a stair landing. I went down to the back porch to observe the two lights disappear as they headed W-N-W. There was also an airliner on approach to John Glenn International Airport from the west at an apparently lower altitude at approximately 1826.
I then noticed two more bright orange lights coming from the east and began recording. As these two transited west, along the same track as the first two, a fifth and final light was seen coming from the east, disappearing on a more southwesterly course than the previous 4.
According to the aviation weather report for that approximate time period the sky was overcast with broken cloud cover between 1400 and 2500 feet. At no time were these lights obscured by clouds.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Columbus, Ohio. 12/21/2022 6:25 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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