UFO over Deming, New Mexico. 4/3/2021.

UFO over Deming, New Mexico. 4/3/2021.

Detailed description:
“I was driving back from Roswell for the holiday yesterday, April 3, 2021. At about 4:30 I had just passed Deming when I noticed something hovering over the mountains to the south of the 10. I pulled over and stared for a while. It never moved, and from that angle it looked dark. I drove further up the 10 and passed 3 RV’s which were pulled over, all staring out their windows to the same direction I had been looking. I passed the mountain and from this angle the object appeared to be white and reflect the sun. It was too high to be a helicopter and, being from L.A. I see helicopters all the time, I know what they look like and how they maneuver. It couldn’t have been a blimp or an airplane. It was a crystal clear sky, with no clouds and the sun was bright. The thing just hung there. I checked my map to see if there was an exit close enough that I could get to while keeping it in sight, and saw there was, with a road that got closer.
I ended up at this spot: 32.23962991560239, -107.95644022741119 but the dirt road led back to what looked like private property, and to be honest I was a little too freaked out to want to drive towards this thing. When I’d tried to take pictures on my phone the camera failed multiple times before I got a picture. I couldn’t see the object on my screen while I was trying to get a picture, so it’s sheer luck that I managed to get it at all. I went back to the gas station at the exit to see if anyone was looking towards the object, but there were only truckers in their trucks and some people inside the station. I was too timid to approach people to ask them to look. The object never left, and I assumed, given where I was, the possibilities could be numerous and I wasn’t going to get an explanation, so I continued home.”

Source Link: https://www.mufon.com/
Filmed in Deming, New Mexico. 4/3/2021. 5:16 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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