UFO over Westland, Michigan.

UFO over Westland, Michigan.

Witness description:
“It was not any kind of cloud or plane, it {long bar shaped craft} moved like nothing I’ve ever seen.
It was a super clear day, and we are a family that is always looking at the sky because we just appreciate its beauty, and we enjoy the airplane traffic over our house because we have little ones, and we are in the landing flight path of the Airport. Well we noticed this craft and started to analyze it and get as many pictures for as much information I could gather on it. It changed its angle which you can see when comparing the photos that it changed its orientation, and in the .29-second video you actually see it move back and forth. At one point it looked as if it was dropping something idk what the heck it was, but it was weird, there is a photo of it, I didn’t get video because it came out of nowhere and happened fairly quickly. It was in the same area for almost 2 hours it only moved maybe about a half a foot in either direction if doing a measurement in the sky from the ground. I am totally available on this and welcome any questions about anything I maybe didn’t even think of as a way to describe it. It definitely is true when others who have seen it when they say you can tell it’s something you’ve never seen before just in the way it looks and acts and that is so true because as a person that prides their self in aviation as well as this subject I know quite a bit and have seen a lot of evidence but never anything this clear and concise.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Westland, Michigan 6/16/2022 4:05 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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