UFO over Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania.

UFO over Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania.

Source Link: Mycul

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Witness description:
“I was working on my property (Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania on 11/20/20) when I look up and saw what I originally thought was a shooting star. Immediately I realized it was not a shooting star though because it had stopped its incredible speed and just hovered there! Once hovering the UFO started flashing different colors and seemed to look wider than it was before! Then it took off in another direction! It stopped again then started speeding off into yet another direction! That’s when I lost it! The footage was captured on my camera phone so its not 4k but still obvious this is footage of a real life UFO. ”

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UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2020, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer,


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