An object flying through the sky and then split into two objects. Temecula, California.

An object flying through the sky and then split into two objects. Temecula, California.

Witness description:
“I was sitting in my car on the third story parking structure getting ready to head home from work. I saw something out of the corner of my eye (to my left) and noting an object flying through the sky that appeared to be on fire. At first, I thought it was an airplane on fire. Then on closer inspection it had a long red/flaming trail and as I watched it slowly continue on a straight path the object split into two objects. Both objects had the bright red flaming trails and continued to stay on the exact same path. They didn’t deter from their course and remained side by side the entire time. I eventually lost the objects behind a building. The event lasted for 1 minute and 20 seconds and right after I saw the objects I heard a helicopter flying over head towards the directions of the objects.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Temecula, California. 7/27/2016, 9:30 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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