Cigar-Shaped UFO Caught On Camera: Top 10 Alien and UFO Encounters (2022)

Cigar-Shaped UFO Caught On Camera: Top 10 Alien and UFO Encounters (2022)

Cigar-Shaped UFO Caught On Camera: Top 10 Alien and UFO Encounters (2022). UFOs became a modern sensation after the media reported US businessman Kenneth Arnold as having witnessed “flying saucers” on June 24, 1947. Since then, a flood of similar stories followed from around the world. It is the same with all the other UFO stories from around the world, they were mysteries without any substantial evidence. But with the advancement of technology, multiple UFO sightings around the world have been captured on camera.

0:00 15810 Arawn
5:02 Strange Creature Spotted in Varginha
8:37 Ancient Crystal City in Antarctica
12:12 Cigar-Shaped Object Flying Over Japan
14:01 Chile’s UAP
15:57 Travis Walton UFO Incident
18:55 Splitting UFO in Puerto Rico
20:45 Ancient Alien Artifacts Found
23:10 Baltic Sea Anomaly
27:16 Humanoid Creatures in Lake Baikal

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