Daytime UFO over Detroit, Alabama.

Daytime UFO over Detroit, Alabama.

Witness description:
“My wife is a law school graduate and now a second year Elementary teacher. We were watching our son swim in our pool. My wife asked “Babe! What is that”? I looked up and seen a cigar shaped object in the sky. I told my son at first that it was an airplane. I wasn’t 100% convinced, so I took my phone and started trying to record it. As I watched it I have seen that it had no wings, no tail fins, no engines, and no lights. It was flying a straight path directly South. I ran to my side yard as I lost sight due to trees and our house. When I made it to an open area where it should be it was not. I ran back to the back yard and soon found the object flying North. As we watched the object go straight up, gaining in altitude, hover, then decline in altitude again. It changed direction and altitude at will. After doing some aerobatics it continued a straight path in a North East direction. You can hear my son say it’s going to his PawPaw’s house who lives less than a half mile away in that direction.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Detroit, Alabama. 6/14/2022, 7:30 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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