“Noticed bright column of sparkling light.” Maryland.

“Noticed bright column of sparkling light.” Maryland.

Witness description:
“I was sitting on back deck at 7:15pm and noticed a light in sky to east not moving. Was neither star nor airplane. Through my binoculars it appeared to be a huge upright column of lights in the distance 35 degrees above horizon. Stationary and hovered then drifted extremely slowly to the southeast after 30 minutes. I took two videos on phone attached. My neighbors and wife all saw it too. I thought maybe it was a weather balloon glistening in the sun, but it didn’t move at all for a long time. When viewed through binoculars it looked light a huge, tall sparkler. Never saw anything like it before. Sky was clear and no clouds in sky. Eventually it disappeared in the distance.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Maryland. 4/17/2016, 7:15 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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