Strange UFOs over Montreal, Canada. 3/2/2023

Strange UFOs over Montreal, Canada. 3/2/2023

Witness Description:
“I felt my room vibrate and this low vibration in my stomach before looking outside and seeing this absolutely massive object passing by my window. I scrambled to grab my phone and record it within the next 12 minutes I saw another massive object, this time it wasn’t boomerang shaped, but instead a straight diagonal line going the same direction with the same vibrations and low humming and rumbling sound. Afterwards I saw a star like object moving and got a good recording of it moving.”
“Alright, redoing the description. This happened last night at 9:25pm, I was just getting ready for bed and felt my room vibrate and almost like my diaphragm was vibrating as well, like a low frequency noise that feel before you hear. My first instinct was to look out the window, and I saw this massive object that was boomerang shaped. Now I know this wasn’t military helicopters, I’m a military kid, and this didn’t sound like a heli. The next is that I live on the 27th floor of my building. These objects were flying wayyy too low for it to be helicopters or planes. One thing I’d like to note about the mirror like object that blocks off the UFOs is that it’s actually a window, the building is built to appear bent like an arrow so those objects went pass the building and I could no longer record. I was genuinely shaken up by this incident, I’ve never seen something that massive in a city of all places… its terrifying honestly how close it was. I also recorded incidents of airplanes in the area to give a comparison. I’ve seen helicopters in the skies and airplanes, but that was not an airplane, nor helicopters.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Montreal, Canada. 3/2/2023
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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