DIE TOTEN PLANETEN – Strip the Cosmos | HD Doku

Während die ersten Marsreisen vorbereitet werden, geht der Blick der Astronomen auf der Suche nach habitablen Planeten schon weit über unser Sonnensystem hinaus. Die Suche nach Exoplaneten steht im Fokus der Astronomie. Bislang zeigen die meisten dieser neu entdeckten Welten jedoch nur, wie ...

UFO in America: che cosa sta succedendo?

Siamo veramente alle soglie di una vera e propria rivoluzione ufologica? Che cosa è successo, nel corso degli ultimi anni, da indurre il presidente degli Stati Uniti a firmare un bilancio annuale della Difesa in cui un intero paragrafo è dedicato agli UFO? Cerchiamo di capirlo insieme... ...

Soaring Over Titan: Extraterrestrial Land of Lakes

This colorized movie from NASA's Cassini mission takes viewers over the largest seas and lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. The movie is made from radar data received during multiple flyovers of Titan from 2004 to 2013. More: This colorized movie from NASA's Cassini mission shows the most ...

What If Aliens are Living Inside Earth?

Billions of years ago, another planet smashed into Earth. An event of this epicness could have created our Moon. It also could have brought alien life to our planet. What evidence of this planet still exists on Earth today? Could there be life deep inside the Earth’s surface? And could that ...

Nasa hires PRIESTS to prepare us for alien encounters!?

Science and Faith groups are coming together in a very new bizarre effort. Scientists have hired priests to figure how humanity will react to extraterrestrial life. How will you react if aliens come to Earth tomorrow? What will be the difference between religious people and non-religious ...
