Incredible UFO was filmed in Cumbal Narino, Columbia.

Witness description: "I wanted to share with you an event that happened in Colombia in the department of Nariño, during the ascent to the Cumbal Volcano. We were able to observe a giant sphere of light, it should be noted that the area where it appeared is inhospitable, first the sphere is ...

Strange lights over Brookfield, Ohio.

Witness description: "I don't know what they are doing, but, they come every couple days and just hover over the area. Bright as I have ever seen in the sky yet. Would really like to have this witnessed by someone that has some experience in this kind of thing." Source: mufon Filmed in ...

#MisteriosSinResolver | Esta es la "capital OVNI" de Gran Bretaña

Hay una ciudad que es considerada la capital ovni de Gran Bretaña; hace más de 55 años, en el día de navidad, comenzaron a ocurrir una serie de eventos extraños. Es un fenómeno al que llamaron 'La cosa de Warminster'. Ahora podrás ver tus noticieros favoritos en Youtube, a través de Tv Azteca ...

UFO over New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Source Link: The Real Good Citizen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_oy2vW-bT0 He has more UFO videos on his channel. This UFO sighting was filmed in New Philadelphia, Ohio 11/10/2020. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...
