recent ufo sightings
Sparkling Orange UFO over Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Witness description: "Driving north in our car, came to intersection & stopped at stop sign. Time was twilight. Noticed a low flying orange ball of light that appeared to be sparkling. Light was neither ascending nor descending. Seemed to be above treeline, but not as high as a helicopter or ...

UFO over Wichita, Kansas.

Source Link: WiTWiKKY CityOfTheDubs Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Wichita, Kansas. 11/26/2020. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFO over Island Park, New York.

Witness description: "I saw light in sky. Bright, then dimmed. Then zoomed across sky, and followed a plane's path for a distance. Then hovered again. Then it turned red, or reddish, hovered over me, turned white again, faded. Then moved off in a north-west direction, until out of site. 2nd ...

Incredible movements of UFO over Toronto, Canada.

Source: AceMcQuaid. Reddit. Filmed in Toronto, Canada in July 2022. Many thanks to the author of the original video. Witness description: "I sent this footage to a professional drone operator and his first reactions were: "Odd" and "It seems too big and too fast to be a drone." I'm hoping ...

UFO over Wallingford, Connecticut.

Witness description: "I was cutting my grass and noticed a bright object high in the sky hovering in the northwest. The sky was clear and very bright and this object was shining like a star during the day. I took a video but it was tough to follow because it was so bright out. In the video a ...

Fleet of UFOs was filmed during daytime in Leander, Texas.

Witness description: "I was outside drinking coffee about yesterday morning checking work emails on my phone. I heard my neighbors making a lot of noise which I thought was strange because they are typically quiet or inside, so I looked over and noticed they were looking up at the sky. I looked ...

Two UFOs over south Kentucky.

Source Link: Alex Brunt Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "I spotted these two tic tac shaped UAPs in south-central Kentucky on February 8, 2022 at approximately 3:45 pm. They hovered motionless in the sky for about an ...

UFOs over Bournemouth,UK.

Source Links: James W He has more UFO videos on his channel. Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Walking along the sea front towards Bournemouth I saw 3–4 bright orange lights in ...

Dull black gray triangular UFO over Grand Prairie, Texas.

Witness description: "I’m not sure where to begin. But at approximately 8:28 PM June 4 I walked off the porch after talking to my mom and looked up into the sky for some reason and saw this massive craft just hovering motionlessly with no sound probably 5 miles north east of me and at an ...
