ufo etf
UFO over King, North Carolina.

Source Link: Juelz XO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nhfCPlT0tI Permission Granted To Only Real UFOs. Witness description: "Doing some gardening in the morning and I'm always looking up. Between the strange sunsets and chemtrails. It can't be no plane. The craft doesn't make a sound!" ...

UFOs over Tucson, Arizona.

Witness description: "Floating orbs." Source: mufon Filmed in Tucson, Arizona. 1/10/2023 Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFO inspects the sky over the UK.

Witness description: "Firstly I’d never seen so much aircraft activity above my town. Planes littered the sky everywhere i looked there would be 2-3 planes crisscrossing the sky North South East West. I took a lot of footage on my phone of the sky that day. What grabbed my attention most was ...

UFO watching a golf game in Lawndale, California.

Witness description: "We were at Alondra golf course driving range. I decided to record both of our golf swings with my iPhone, in slow motion. On the drive home, I took a look at the footage of our swings to see why I fail so bad at golf, when I noticed an object fly into the frame of my ...

UFO over Bat Yam, Israel.

Witness description: "Black orb craft comes from the south then stops just above my head. Rotating around itself with unknown energy field around it." Source: mufon Filmed in Bat Yam, Israel. 12/06/2022 Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on ...

UFO over the south of Pasto, Colombia.

Witness description: "The object was flying over the area near the covered coliseum in the south of the city of Pasto. It emitted a white light, I thought it was a drone, but due to its movement and lack of flashing light I ruled it out. It was at least 5 minutes, going in and out of the cloud. ...

5 UFOs over Columbus, Ohio. 12/21/2022

Witness description: "At approximately 18:25, on 12/21/2022 I noticed two bright orange lights from a south facing window on a stair landing. I went down to the back porch to observe the two lights disappear as they headed W-N-W. There was also an airliner on approach to John Glenn ...

UFO over New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Source Link: The Real Good Citizen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_oy2vW-bT0 He has more UFO videos on his channel. This UFO sighting was filmed in New Philadelphia, Ohio 11/10/2020. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: ...

UFOs over Norman, Oklahoma.

Witness description: "5 glowing objects. My wife and I saw an orange in color object flying from the south and disappeared as it traveled north. I have four different videos of four different objects. I was not able to get the first one on video since I did not have my phone. We chalked it up ...

5 glowing UFOs over the Bronx, New York.

Witness description: "5 glowing lights slowly moving around in the sky above the Bronx and seems to be heading North." Source: mufon Filmed in Bronx, New York 5/10/2022 8:08 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best ...

UFO hovering very high in the sky over Bridgetown, Barbados.

Witness description: "Reflective object hovering very high in the sky. At 12:14pm on April 12, 2022 my wife called to me from the balcony of our hotel room at the Barbados Hilton in Bridgetown where we were staying on vacation. She told me to come and see the “UFO”. I thought she was joking ...
