UFO over Rotherham, UK.

Source Link: scott wade Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs This UFO sighting was filmed in Rotherham, UK by Scott Wade. "Real footage from bedroom patio doors over field on sunny day with no clouds Mon 24th August 2020 Rotherham." You can share ...

UFO was spotted during thunderstorm in Sheffield, UK.

Source Link: Jamie Michael Alcock Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs Witness description: "Real Actual Footage. After a closer look I now believe I've caught a UFO. Watch Top Center. Above the tallest tree coming from right to left. Very faint ...

Flashing lights in a V shape over Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Witness description: "I was standing in my garden in the dark looking at stars when I seen what looked like stars coming and going. Once my eyes focused I seen that the lights were in a very big v shape. They were not flashing together but separate and random". Source: mufon Filmed in ...

Real UFO Around The World You Haven’t Seen Yet – Crazy

#uap #ufoキャッチャー #alien Take a look at these UFO from Puerto Rico, Germany, Ireland, USA and Japan. These real videos of UFO will blow your mind and tell me what you think. Did you think that UFO where only ever seen in the US? GET THE MERCH Watch Me Live On KICK: ...

UFO over Huntingdon, UK.

Witness description: "Driving from march to benwick saw in the sky bright light going up and down with a trail behind it. Trail consisted of individual tiny lights - sparkly. This is the second consecutive year I've seen this phenomena - I was a few miles away from where I was this time, but it ...

UFO over Gillingham, UK.

Witness description: "Around 8.45pm on the day of the incident I look up and see this light moving across the sky in the distance, at first I thought it was a plane with its front lights on because of the clouds to help visibility. It wasn't until it got a lot closer I noticed it wasn't making ...

Two UFOs over Stoke-on-Trent, UK.

Witness description: "Walking home from work when looked up and saw these objects that I couldn't identify, so I started recording until out of sight". Source: mufon Filmed in Stoke-on-Trent, UK 7/3/2021 11:30 Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this ...
