UFO filmed during a thunderstorm over Tucson, Arizona. 8/12/2021

UFO filmed during a thunderstorm over Tucson, Arizona.  8/12/2021

Detailed Description:
“The sighting occurred at 7:38pm on Thursday 8/12/2021. From my neighborhood in NW Tucson, I observed a bright red/orange light south of Tucson in front of one of our monsoon thunder storm cell’s. Thee light was intermittently extinguishing with a dark shape underneath. It also would flare as well with a brighter orange color. It also had a localized electrical field disruption as it was hovering at the edge of the thunder cell; namely, it had fine electrical discharges extending from or to it. There was a like object close by, mostly obscured by the cloud. At the end of the video the object slowly drops from the sky and disappears below the roofline behind the house directly across the street from me. Couple of notes: the object was heavily distorting the air around it as it was pulsating. There was a dark shape underneath when it would extinguish. When it would flare it seemed to eject dark spots. Also, if you look at the video frame by frame (30fps) the object appears to change positions faster than that.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Tucson, Arizona. 8/12/2021 7:38 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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