UFO over Dundee, Michigan. 6/11/2021.

UFO over Dundee, Michigan. 6/11/2021.

Source Link: aleaboon

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Witness description:
“This is my recording of an object I saw on 6-11-21 at approx 8:40 pm after I pulled into the parking lot at Kroger in Dundee, down the road from my house in Monroe. I saw a light appear next to an airplane and it disappeared and then reappeared. I had to hurry up and grab my phone to take the video! I apologise for the shakiness toward the end. I was trying to turn around, and I don’t have great eyesight, so toward the end I lost my visual and I didn’t think it was showing up on my screen anymore, so that’s why it’s shaky and ends kind of abruptly. But I’m super excited because I’ve been trying to get UFO footage for years! Tell me if anyone else sees what looks like a slightly dark aura/tunnel looking thing around the object around the beginning. I didn’t see that with my naked eye, I only noticed that after playing the video blown up on my TV when I got home.”

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