UFO over the Hudson Valley, New York. 6/7/2024

UFO over the Hudson Valley, New York. 6/7/2024

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Witness description:
“I was sitting outside on my property smoking, and as usual I was looking at the sky and out of nowhere happened to see what looked like a disk burning across the sky. It looked as if something was entering the atmosphere causing a burning flame shaped around the leading edge. It looked as if it was shaped like circular disk. I couldn’t process what I was seeing, and I managed to get my phone out and record in time. I’ve seen shooting stars, meteor and falling satellites but none that looked, burned or moved the way this did. I was definitely perplexed, and I can remember exactly what it looked like. Unfortunately I wish the camera could show what I saw in better detail. Someday I’ll attempt to draw it, but I am a horrible artist.”

6/7/2024 10:04 pm

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