UFO was filmed from the paraglider. Sunrise Beach, Texas.

UFO was filmed from the paraglider. Sunrise Beach, Texas.

Witness description:
“Could not believe what I saw for a brief second, so I went back and found it in the video. I was at Sunrise Beach taking off in my powered paraglider called the green eagle and I never saw it at first until I was up in the air around 300 feet then I saw a round cylinder disc shaped object in the sky to my East briefly out of the corner of my Eye, I saw it, but I was being pulled to my left because of the airflow, so I continue to go left where the UFO was no longer in my vision after I completed my circle in the sky to aim back towards it, I no longer saw it there anymore. So I continued to go in that direction and check it out but nothing was in the sky anymore after I landed and checked the video I discovered my fly 360 video picked it up, and I currently have it on video right now!”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Sunrise Beach, Texas. 7/25/2016, 7:42 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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