UFO watching a golf game in Lawndale, California.

UFO watching a golf game in Lawndale, California.

Witness description:
“We were at Alondra golf course driving range. I decided to record both of our golf swings with my iPhone, in slow motion. On the drive home, I took a look at the footage of our swings to see why I fail so bad at golf, when I noticed an object fly into the frame of my video, I would probably never have noticed at regular speed, but since it was in slow motion, I noticed what looks like an orb. This UAP flies into the frame, it makes an u-turn, it lights up when the sun hits it during the turn. Then it either zooms off or disappears, it’s hard to say. My dad was a commercial pilot for 40 plus years with 2 major airlines. He’d never seen anything like it. Unfortunately, he passed away in a plane crash shortly after this event. He was astonished by what we caught on camera and would have wanted me to see if anyone else has seen these or get some answers about what it was.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Lawndale, California. 8/22/2022
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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