UFOs over San Diego, California.

UFOs over San Diego, California.

Witness Description:
“I was walking my dogs like I always do, to the beach. I looked up and saw a series of 3 orangish glowing lights which morphed to 4 then 6 then 8 then back to 2 and 3. Slowly more and more people gathered and were looking up, there were approximately 15 people near me also viewing the lights. But this was viewed by many people from La Jolla to North Island. The next day the news reported the sightings at the coast, which was about a mile from North Island Naval Base. The news reported that what everyone saw was simply naval exercises with flares. But flares don’t hover and disappear and come back and multiply in numbers, and they don’t rise in altitude. I had seen these lights before and after. These glowing orbs would glow brighter and then disappear or rise higher like it was taking off.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in San Diego, California. 6/27/2022
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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