UFOs were spotted over South Chicago Heights, Illinois. 9/26/2021

UFOs were spotted over South Chicago Heights, Illinois. 9/26/2021

Witness description:
“A little after 8:00 pm on 9/26/2021 my son and I were returning from the store travelling south when I spotted a very bright, orange-red orb-looking object to the east. It appeared to be stationary and hovering. I decided to drive down to the end of my street and then turn east to see if I could get a better view. Once I began driving east I could clearly see the light in the sky and saw that there were three more in addition to the one I had seen initially. I drove east for roughly 2 blocks and then parked on the street and got out of my car to take video. The objects were sort of just hovering there, and they seemed to be pulsating with orange/white/red/violet colors. At around the 2:29-30 mark one of the four objects slowly drifted north and disappeared behind the tree and the remaining three began to slowly form a V formation. They remained in this formation until around the 3:40 mark when the object to the left of the formation began slowly move north and disappeared behind the same tree. Within the next couple of minutes the two remaining objects moved north and disappeared as well. The last one to leave seemed to be rapidly changing from a spherical shape to an oval; it was so fast you can hardly see it unless you slow the video down but it seemed more colorful and brighter than the others. I waited for a few minutes after the objects disappeared to see if they would return, but they did not. Please excuse my commentary, I was super excited, and I was trying to narrate what I was witnessing.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in South Chicago Heights, Illinois. 9/26/2021 8:13 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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