6 Recent UFO Sightings that Prove Aliens are FAR Superior than Us

6 Recent UFO Sightings that Prove Aliens are FAR Superior than Us

Twenty-five years ago, thousands of people reported seeing strange bright lights flying over Nevada, Arizona and part of Mexico, for more than 12 hours. This, later, came to be known as the Phoenix Lights, and those who witnessed the bizarre lights, described them as “otherworldly.” And some witnesses, whose stories were shared at the International UFO Congress, reported a sort of temporary amnesia, after seeing the lights.
In today’s video, we will explore some of the most bizarre UFO sightings, that will absolutely blow your mind. 6 Recent UFO Sightings that Prove Aliens are FAR Superior to Us
#ufo #alien #aliens

0:00 Phoenix Lights
1:10 Shape-shifting UFO
1:56 Italy UFO Encounter
2:51 Glowing UFO Caught on Camera
3:46 Split Into Two
5:40 UAP Cube

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