Two UFOs over Greenville, North Carolina.

Two UFOs over Greenville, North Carolina.

Witness description:
“First off I’m sorry I wasn’t better with my phone camera. It is an s9 and I was having trouble keeping these in frame when I zoomed. I am a cdoss trained Jtac from the usmc and I have never seen a craft like these. I hope you can make something out of it. It matches the Raleigh nc sighting today. This started as a wide aura in a cloud which is the lighter video. Shooting out from left and right hundred of perceived feet and then out towards the top 1/10 of that. Then it came out of the cloud and flew overhead following the rough path of the tar river. I stopped recording and watched it go further towards the northwest and then I saw another group of 3 blinking and shifting which is the darker video. I recorded that and watched it follow. I went out to the other side the building and watched them go west to northwest until out of sight almost appeared to be 2 triangle patterns at that angle. Too dim to get a video of the end. ”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Greenville, North Carolina. 11/13/2020. 5:30 pm
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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