Alien Warnings? The Shocking Ariel School UFO Sighting.

Alien Warnings? The Shocking Ariel School UFO Sighting.

Today, we’re diving into one of the most compelling UFO cases in history – the Ariel School incident of 1994. In Ruwa, Zimbabwe, 62 schoolchildren claimed to have seen UFOs and alien beings during their morning break. These kids, aged 6 to 12, gave consistent accounts of silver craft and strange figures with large eyes. Their testimonies caught the attention of renowned researchers, including Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack. What’s truly remarkable is that even 30 years later, many of these witnesses stand by their stories. They speak of telepathic communications about environmental destruction and technology’s dangers. Whether you believe in UFOs or not, this case challenges our understanding of reality and raises profound questions about our place in the universe.

Link to Eyes on the Cinema / Ariel School UFO Sighting:

Link to Martin Willis / Podcast UFO Live Shows
07-28-18 Salma Siddick, Ariel School Incident Witness & Randle Nickerson:

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