Strange UFO over Salisbury, Canada.

Strange UFO over Salisbury, Canada.

Witness description:
“May 26, 2018 Viewed a large orange light emanating from behind a large evergreen, tried to take video but couldn’t get a clear shot because of tree. Hopped into my car and drove approximately 1minute until I had a good vantage point as it hovered over a hill top. The lights at the bottom of the video are yard lights/street lights. When I zoomed in on object, I was pretty amazed at what looked like a wooden barrel that emitted an orange/red/yellow glow. The object continued in a northerly direction and I drove in its direction but lost sight. After taking screen grabs from the videos and zooming in on photos, I noticed there were disk shapes in some shots around the object.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Salisbury, Canada 5/26/2018
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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