UFO after staying still beneath the Moon moves quickly. Mississippi.

UFO after staying still beneath the Moon moves quickly. Mississippi.

Source Link: Yose BenDovid
Permissions Granted To Only Real UFOs

This UFO sighting was filmed in Jackson, Mississippi in 2019.
Witness description:
“This video shows a UFO, it flies to the other side of the moon. I’ve only shared this video with a few people through messenger, I’ve had it for well over a year. As far as I can tell this is not a drone that I have recorded with my Android phone; but I’ll let the world be the judge of this. These things I’ve even shared with a former IDF air force engineer, and he’s shared little information with me, and he himself believes I have something. He said the object in this video is moving at military speed. Yet it makes no sound. The only sound in this video are crickets and I think my AC unit.”

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