Six UFOs flying parallel over Lodi, California. 3/17/2023

Six UFOs flying parallel over Lodi, California.  3/17/2023

Witness description:
“At 2130 hrs, I observed six glowing objects in the sky. It appeared the objects were entering the atmosphere and were traveling in a SE direction. I live in Lodi Ca and the first sight of these objects were in a northern direction. The objects were traveling at a higher speed than any commercial airplane but not fast enough to be a meteor. Based on my visual the objects were as large or larger than a regular motor vehicle. There was no noise and the sky was mostly cloudless over our city and to the north in direction of the objects. All objects had what appeared to be a trail of fire/sparks as if they were burning up in the atmosphere. After 52 seconds the objects were flying into clouds in the foothill area to the east of Lodi.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Lodi, California. 3/17/2023
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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