UFOs flying in formation over Woodinville, Washington.

UFOs flying in formation over Woodinville, Washington.

Witness description:
“I was out on the night of May 20th 2022 with my astrophotography gear in my front yard in Woodinville WA looking to take photos/video of the Hurculid meteor storm. I focused in on Vega as a point of reference which you will see in the middle of the video frame.
As I was watching the camera viewfinder, I noticed 4 objects enter the top of frame flying in formation North East – North. Essentially top of camera frame to bottom.
The objects made no sound, seemed to be at high altitude and flew in a group of 3 with a 4th object slightly separated. The group of 3 objects can be seen changing position with each other throughout the flight path. There is a noticeable curved flight path for all the objects.
If you watch the video you will see several satellites cross the screen before and after the event.”

Source: mufon
Filmed in Woodinville, Washington 5/20/2022 10:35 pm.
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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